The trailer for my friend John Kenney’s wonderful new debut novel, Truth in Advertising (available January 22). Best book trailer ever.
Maurice Sendak’s final interview with Terry Gross on Fresh Air, in September 2011, animated by Christoph Niemann. Sendak died seven months later. (via The Dish)
Bonnie Prince Billy: I See a Darkness
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Creativity, happiness and flow
Louis C.K. on Twitter
Obama offstage
“As the First Cameraman for the United States of America, Arun Chaudhary filmed President Barack Obama all over the world. Luckily he captured these backstage moments for your viewing pleasure.” (via)
Gay Talese
Gay Talese gives a tour of his office and discusses his writing habits.
I save everything. I think that I’m a person of record… It’s a whole process of giving worth to every moment of your day. I’ve seen things. I’ve interviewed hundreds and hundreds of people over many years. By saving it, I’m not just being a collector of stuff — I’m a documentarian of what it is that I do, who I know, what I see. This stuff is never dead because stories never die. Stories are never over.