New Bloomberg Businessweek cover, out today, imagines Obama’s appearance in 2016.
After the storm
New ad campaign for Defending Jacob in Poland. Genialna! (That means genius. I think.)
On the subway
Reading Defending Jacob on the NY subway (via Underground New York Public Library)
Dispatch from Paris
A cool new advertising campaign for Defending Jacob to run in and around Paris, including the Metro, and train stations all over France. (Courtesy of my French publisher, Michel Lafon.)
Three Lawyer-Writers
At Bouchercon 2012 in Cleveland with fellow authors Twist Phelan and Linda Fairstein. October 5, 2012.
Coney Island, 1952
Margaret Bourke-White, “Beach Accident” (Coney Island 1952)
Route 66, 1969
Ernst Haas, “Route 66, Albuquerque, New Mexico” (1969)