Think Different 15-second TV ad, 1997
Think Different, cont’d
Poster from Apple’s Think Different campaign (1997).
Steve Jobs introduces the “Think Different” campaign
Steve Jobs introduces the “Think Different” campaign in 1997. To put this video in perspective, remember where Apple was in 1997. In terms of market share, the company had only about 3% of the personal computer market, bottoming out at 2.8% in July 1997. Its stock traded at around $4 or $5 a share, also bottoming in July 1997 when it sank below $3.50 a share. In its previous fiscal year the company had lost $1 billion.
Jonah Lehrer: Grit
Lamb House

Lamb House was the home of Henry James from 1897, when he was 55, until his death in 1916. Below, the residence as it appeared in the late 1930s or early 1940s. To the left of the house, at the end of the high wall, is the garden room where in summer James did most of his writing. The garden room was destroyed by a bomb in August 1940.

Look here for more about Lamb House from Colm Toibin, whose portrait of Henry James, The Master, beautifully evokes James’s life at Lamb House. If you read The Master — and you should — you will want to know what Lamb House looks like.
Photos: Jim Linwood, doveson2008, both via Flickr.
The Master

Henry James, age 63
Rye, England, 1906
Photogravure by Alvin Langdon Coburn, 1882-1966
Talking Heads: Life During Wartime
From Stop Making Sense, 1984. Almost 30 years ago — ouch.
San Francisco, 1906
San Francisco after the earthquake and fire of April 18, 1906 (via Shorpy).